Human Intervention Motivational Study

A HIMS AME is an FAA designated Senior Airman Medical Examiner who is trained in evaluating airmen for substance or alcohol related conditions and other mental health conditions.

Although HIMS AMEs usually serve airline pilots who are in recovery as part of the HIMS (Human Interventional Motivational Study) program, the FAA may require any pilot to consult with a HIMS AME for special issuance medical certification consideration for other mental health conditions.

What is a HIMS Program?

The HIMS program is a voluntary substance abuse program that coordinates pilots, healthcare professionals, employers, peer supporters and the FAA to preserve pilot’s careers, lives, and enhance air safety for all.

The program is designed to foster a lifestyle change by identifying and treating the disease while coordinating the safe return to work. The goal and only way to return to the cockpit is by maintaining abstinence.

Entering a HIMS program is a commitment in time and financial resources but has an almost 90% success rate in returning an airman to the sky.

The HIMS program begins with an evaluation for the identification of substance dependence and usually requires a 28-day inpatient recovery program stay. After discharge from the inpatient facility, the airmen enters an aftercare program, starts AA, NA, or another support group in order to maintain abstinence. Psychiatric and neuropsychology evaluations take place during this time.  The HIMS AME coordinates and compiles reports from peers and employers, testing, exams and submits all to the FAA for a special issuance medical certificate. When the Special Issuance is granted, the HIMS monitoring program begins as outlined below.

Step Down Monitoring Process

Other Mental Health Conditions/ Medication Use


The FAA may require HIMS AME evaluation for an airman with other mental health conditions. The requirements vary on the condition and are outlined by the FAA. If you use Serotonin Uptake Inhibitor Medications for depression or anxiety, a HIMS AME evaluation and monitoring will be required.

Step Down Monitoring Process

Other Mental Health Conditions/ Medication Use


The FAA may require HIMS AME evaluation for an airman with other mental health conditions. The requirements vary on the condition and are outlined by the FAA. If you use Serotonin Uptake Inhibitor Medications for depression or anxiety, a HIMS AME evaluation and monitoring will be required.



Willits HealthCare, 350 Market Street, Suite 200-C, Basalt, CO 81621


PO Box 2751, Glenwood Springs, CO 81602



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